Today we’re excited to bring you the Foundation Update. It’s the first of many free updates to come, and we’re looking forward to you getting hands on with it. Here’s an outline of the updates – but we encourage you to dive in and discover for yourselves!
Death quotes: prepare to see these a lot in survival mode.
Grow and harvest crops using the new Farming system
Research and grow ten new plant types
Plants grow over time meaning biome dependant crops can be cultivated outdoors, or inside hydroponic labs
Explorers can now deploy equipment in the field
Automated harvesters gather resources continuously
Communication terminals allow explorers to leave sub space messages for others to find
Nearby mineral deposits, uninhabited bases or drop pods can be discovered with a Signal Scanner
Place save points anywhere
New quick menu added
Stack up to 5 items per inventory slot
New arrow indicators show shield and life support damage more clearly
Resource symbols improved to allow for easier differentiation
Press left on D-Pad to view current objective
UI is no longer colour tinted and removed artifacts
Early warning of pirates on cockpit
Red screen indicates you’re unable to use Pulse Drive
Introduced motion blur (to turn off, visit Options > display)
Introduced TAA (temporal anti aliasing) as an option
Added texture streaming, which will allow minimum spec PCs to run the game more smoothly and should help players who are experiencing frame rate drops due to memory loss