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The Next Big Game

All this week, Gamespot is featuring No Man’s Sky in its The Next Big Game series. Each day they’re publishing a new video, with the first covering the story behind our studio and the game itself: Many people have asked –... View Article

Game Critics Awards winner

We learned earlier this week that No Man’s Sky won three Game Critics Awards: Best Original Game Best Independent Game Special Commendation for Innovation The awards are voted by 29 major media outlets, and what’s just incredible is that our... View Article

Viewing material

We’ve been incredibly lucky to have had a couple of amazing videos published today about us. The first is a fantastic mini-documentary made by Sony about the story behind No Man’s Sky so far. It has some great shots of where we work,... View Article


We’ve been asked a few times about places people can discuss No Man’s Sky, and while we don’t have any current plans for this site to have a forum, there are a couple of places we completely recommend. Best is... View Article

We’re home

E3 2014 was the most extraordinary week of our lives. It was so far beyond our imaginings that it’s hard to express how we feel, but we wanted to say thank you to, like, everyone for the reaction No Man’s Sky enjoyed.... View Article

Welcome back to No Man’s Sky

This is a terrifying moment for us. For the past few months we’ve been working pretty much in isolation, but we’ve just shown the results on a stage far bigger than we’d ever dare imagine … Sony’s E3 2014 keynote. Our... View Article

The flood

Christmas 2013 was shaping up to be amazing. We’d returned from VGX, we were lucky to have some amazing things written about No Man’s Sky, and seasonal celebrations lay ahead. But then our town, Guildford in southern England, was flooded.... View Article

Introducing No Man’s Sky

On December 7, 2013 during VGX we showed off No Man’s Sky for the first time. We had no idea how people would receive it, and we even tried pulling out at the last moment because we just couldn’t figure... View Article