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Synthesis Patch 2.22

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Synthesis, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of gameplay and stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this...View Article

No Man’s Sky Synthesis Release

Hello Everyone, It’s strange to think that it’s only been a few months since we released Beyond, our largest and most ambitious update for No Man’s Sky. That update now feels so integral that it’s hard to remember a time before you could experience the game in VR, milk an alien creature, or visit the...View Article

Beyond Development Update 4

Hello Everyone! In our previous development update, we mentioned that the team has been focusing on bundling together a number of quality of life features and community requests. Today we thought we’d share a little more news about that update – but first, we’d like to spend a bit of time appreciating the community.  ...View Article

Beyond Patch 2.16

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this patch, 2.16,...View Article

Beyond Development Update 3

Hello Everyone! There’s been a lot going on since our last development update. The team has been working hard to bring you bug fixes and quality of life improvements, with a huge number of things fixed in the three updates since our last blog post. You’ve all been hard at work too: producing amazing artwork;...View Article

Beyond Patch 2.14

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this patch, 2.14,...View Article

Beyond Patch 2.13

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this patch, 2.13,...View Article

Beyond Development Update 2

Hello Everyone! It has been a few weeks since our last blog post, and we wanted to share a little more news from the studio. The team here are still working intensely to address high-priority issues, as well as to improve the overall polish and quality of life of the game. Update 2.12 has been...View Article

Beyond Patch 2.11

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of stability issues. Fixes for these were released on Steam experimental, and this patch, 2.11,...View Article

Beyond Patch 2.09.4 Hotfix

Hello everyone, Thank you again to everyone playing Beyond, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk. We have become aware of a number of mod incompatibilities causing a crash on startup with release 2.09.4. As a result, we have pushed a hotfix that will disable mods by default. Mods...View Article